Just Baby Blogs How Can I Keep My Baby Comfortable in Cold Weather?
As chilly winter breezy waves hit the city, it marks the beginning of the winter season. We all love this chilly, cuddly weather, where we eat hot food, wear cute hoodies and jackets, and stay warm.
Winters for sure is a lovely chilly season, but we can’t disagree on the fact that it can be a bit harsh on us too from time to time, and as it is hard on us same goes for the newborn infants in our family. This is because the organs of newborn babies are not fully developed to help keep them warm from the inside out.
In this blog, we’ll explore a range of tips and advice on how to keep your baby comfortable and warm in this cold weather that marks the coming of christmas and New Year.
Ways to Keep Your Newborn Warm and Cozy This Winter
We understand the worry that new parents go through when it comes to winters and their newborn babies, as it’s okay to be worried for them as they’re not used to this weather at all.
Winters are the season of warm blankets and woolen clothing for your little one; here are some ways in which you can keep them warm:
Layering: Dressing your baby in a comfy and warm woolen is an effective way of keeping it warm and helping it regulate its body’s temperature during this time.
Use of Warm and Soft Blankets: Cuddling your newborn up in soft and warm blankets to provide them with that extra layer of warmth is always a good option to help them from getting sick.
Hydration: Providing them with a sufficient amount of water intake helps to keep them hydrated and also keeps the body’s temperature in check, which helps them from catching a cold.
Regular Health Check-Ups: Proper and regular health check-ups for your baby is a must during the winter season, as newborn babies tend to get sick and catch colds and diseases more quickly than others.
This also allows you to have time for any detection of any potential health issues that might occur with your baby, which you can monitor on time.
Creating the Right Sleeping Environment in The Bedroom: One of the most important and essential winter care starts by providing your baby with an ideal sleeping environment whenever they’re about to sleep.
Heaters tend to make the room dry which may have side effects for your baby. Instead, install a humidifier as it maintains the moisture level in the room as well as keeps it warm enough for your little sleeping angel to have a good night’s sleep.
Baby-Friendly Winter Activities: Embrace the Cold with Joy
Keeping your little ones engaged during the winter can be a bit of a task, but it also makes you feel entertained by seeing how they enjoy themselves.
Winters are colder and winter depending on where you live, and spending too much time indoors can become monotonous and boring for the babies.
So here are a few list of outdoor activities that you can take part in with your little one:
1.Short Scenic Walk:
- Keeping the baby inside during winter is good, but introducing them to the outside world is also important.
- They should experience the snow, the cold and cozy weather, and how the outside world looks different from the window they usually watch it from.
- The fresh air and gentle sunshine on mild days can be a great time to let them enjoy a scenic walk while you cuddle them in the carrier.
2.Backyard Exploration:
- Nothing speaks fun more than exploring the backyard in your home during winters; if you don’t want to take your baby outside or they’re quite young, then your home’s backyard can also become a playground for them to explore with all that snow-covered ground.
- Bundle them up and take them on a short exploration to the backyard as they discover the snow and point out the different textures of snow there are to them while you play around and make those cute little snowmen together.
3.Bird Watching:
- Bird watching is one of the most relaxing activities you can do with your little one. Let them explore the outside world and understand the different types of creatures that live in it.
- Babies like birds who don’t know that, so find a quiet spot near a feeder and watch those birds with your baby, as the bright colors and birds chirping sounds can be captivating for them.
Winter Tours Through The Eyes of Our Little Ones
With the winter season here to grace us with its presence, it’s time to plan those family trips with your relatives and friends in different places across the country. Even visiting family or friends living in a different city can be considered traveling.
Even though traveling for you is stress-free and calm, we can’t say the same for your baby, as they need some special care to settle into this sudden shift in their environment and time.
So here are a couple of tricks to remember if you’re planning a trip with your baby this winter:
1.Doctor’s Approval:
- Discuss your travel plans with your pediatrician to get clearance and ensure your baby’s vaccinations are up-to-date, especially if you travel internationally.
2.Pack Essentials:
- Whether you have a pair of essentials or not, it’s always best to pack the baby’s essentials separately to account for any unexpected delays or buffers.
- Essentials such as diapers, wipes, rash cream, and formula/breastfeeding supplies for the trip.
3.Familiar Objects:
- Pack familiar and favorite items, like their favorite blanket or lovey stuffed animal, to provide them with a sense of security in a new and unfamiliar environment.
- Babies often get scared of new surroundings or people as they’re not used to them and haven’t seen them before. That’s why they would need you to be there for them 24/7, plus their familiar items to maintain their calm and make them feel safe and comfortable.